Digital resource platform for archaeozoology
Recent skeleton of female deer (rather slender) and young individual. The two mandibles do not belong to the same individual and the sex is unknown. [Collection of UMR ArTeHiS 6298 (Dijon) Author: Caroline Lachiche].
sternum ant
sternum ant

5122 hits

Astragale med
Astragale med

5432 hits

sternum lat
sternum lat

5617 hits

Sacrum dors
Sacrum dors

5626 hits

Lomb vent
Lomb vent

5651 hits

Sacrum lat
Sacrum lat

5692 hits

Naviculo prox
Naviculo prox

5698 hits

MTC G dist vent
MTC G dist vent

5755 hits

MTC G prox palm
MTC G prox palm

5817 hits

Mand juv G lat2
Mand juv G lat2

5861 hits

Administration : Carine Carpentier - [email protected]

Dessins vectoriels : Michel Coutureau - [email protected]